
Superman for Champions Play

Real name: Clark Kent/Kal-El
Other known aliases: Man of Steel, Last Son of Krypton, The Kryptonian.
Occupation: Hero and reporter.
Current group affiliation: None
Past group affiliations: None
Major enemies:
First appearance:
Description: Superman is a good looking man standing 6'2'' and weighing 230 lbs. He has blue eyes and slicked back dark hair. He wears a blue suit with a red cape.


30/45     STR     20
   20     DEX     30
   23     CON     26
   12     BODY     4
   13     INT      3
   14     EGO      8
10/23     PRE      0
   14     COM      2
    8     PD       2
    8     ED       3
    5     SPD     20
   11     REC      0
   46     END      0
   39     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 118

Powers, Skills and Equipment

15     EC (15),"Telekinesis"     
34a)   13/13 Armor,x1 Hardened(+1/4)     
15b)   10" Flight,x8 Non-Combat                                     2
 9     Life Support,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in radiation,safe     
        in heat/cold     
 1     Life Support - Ages slowly
17     MP (30),Concentrate(-1/4),Costs END(-1/2)                    
 2u    3D6 EB (Cold),"Super Breath",stun only,Area Effect(+1),cone  6
 1u    N-Ray Vision,Substance: Lead                                 2
 1u    2D6 RKA,"Heat vision.",No Knockback(-1/4),Does no Stun(-3/4) 6
 1u    +6 Telescopic Sense,Sight Group                              1
 7     +15 STR,doesn't add to figured,x2 Increased End Cost(-1/2)   2
 3     Ultra Hearing     
 1     Acting 8-     
 3     Conversation 14-     
 1     Criminology 8-     
 3     Deduction 12-     
 1     Disguise 8-     
 3     Navigation 11-     
 2     PS: Reporter 11-     
 1     TF,Small Spaceships     
 9     +13 PRE,"World famous costume.",OIF(-1/2)     
 2     Radio XMIT/REC,OAF(-1)     
Powers Cost: 131


Base Points: 100
15     DNPC,"Jimmy and Lois.",normal,useful skills,appear 14-
20     Hunted,"by various super criminals.",less powerful,
        non-combat influence,harsh,appear 14-
25     Psych Lim,"Dedicated to truth, justice, etc.",very common,
20     Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,total
20     Rep,"The hero of heroes.",occur 14-,extreme reputation
 5     Rivalry,"with Lois.",professional
15     Secret ID,"Clark Kent"
25     Susc,"Kryptonite",uncommon,per phase,3D6
 5     Watched,"by Perry White.",as powerful,non-combat influence,
        mild,appear 8-
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: This version of Superman is loosely based on the Superman from the Justice League television show. The two levels of Strength are for his casual Strength, which is only slightly superhuman, and that when he really tries. The Presence based on his costume are because he really does come off as more confident and awe inspiring in costume then as Clark. His flight is entirely non-combat based because he only uses it to travel from one place to another. Once he's where he's going he always proceeds on foot. His Multipower require Concentration and cost Endurance. The heat vision, which already costs Endurance is therefore doubled from 3 to 6. Having Enhanced Senses inside the Multipower in this way requires special Game Master permission.

History: Kal-El is the last son of the doomed planet Krypton. Sent as a baby to Earth in a rocket built by his parents, he landed near a small Kansas farm where he was found by the Kents. Since the Kents were unable to have children, they kept the baby then raised him as their own, calling him Clark. As Clark grew up he was instilled with the Kent's sense of responsibility and justice. He also developed amazing powers and strength, which he kept a secret to all but his adopted parents. When he grew up he moved to the city of Metropolis and became a reporter for the Daily Planet newspaper. There he met fellow reporter Lois Lane and young photographer Jimmy Olsen. The three became a loosely knit team for the Planet and were often sent after stories together. With Clark's coming to the big city there also came his heroic alter identity of Superman, saving the people of Metropolis from a variety of wrong doers and becoming an icon of truth, justice and the American way.

Powers: Superman is tremendously strong when he puts his mind to it, is able to fly, and is nearly impervious to harm from conventional means, although he can be shaken up by massive attacks. He can see through most substances (except lead) and project powerful heat rays from his eyes. He can hear ultrasonic sounds and has telescopic vision. He can survive in almost any environment, but requires an air supply. Superman is vulnerable to the strange space substance called kryptonite.

Links to other Superman pages:
  • Superman as a 2248 point GURPS character -
  • Superman for Champions, 1661 point version by Sam Bell -
  • Superman for Champions, 3565 point version by Miq Millman -
  • Superman for Champions, 1714 point version by Erik Langendorff -
  • Superman for Champions, 994 point version by Mitchel Santorineos -

  • Character created by DC Comics.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - June, 2010

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