Snarl III

Snarl III for Champions (250+130)

''They won't even see it coming.'' - Snarl III

Real name: Snarl III
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Stratigic Specialist
Current group affiliation: Autobots
Rank: 7
Past group affiliations: Maximals
Major enemies: Vehicons, Decepticons
First appearance: Transformers: Universe #3
Origin: Unrevealed
Description: Snarl III is a 16 foot tall robot who turns into a techno-organic lion.


46	STR	16
16	DEX	18
23	CON	26
14	BODY	 0
18	INT	 8
18	EGO	16
18	PRE	 8
10	COM	 0
13	PD	 8
13	ED	 8
 4	SPD	14
11	REC	 2
50	END	 2
41	STUN	 2
Characteristics Cost: 128

Powers and Skills

10	EC (10),"Transformer powers"	
26a)	12/12 Armor	
20b)	4 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END	
	 Persistent(+1)                                              0
68c)	5D6 HKA,"Sword/Bite/Claw",Restrainable(-1/2),0 END(+1/2)     0
25d)	19" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                    2
 8e)	Shape Shift,"Lion",Incantation(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1)    0
20	13- Find Weakness,Desc: with sword/bite.	
 1	Life Support, only needs half food intake.	
19	Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in	
	 heat/cold,immune to aging	
 3	Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)	
 4	1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per hour,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape	
 3	+0" Running,"Four Legs",x4 Non-Combat,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape	
	 Shift."                                                     0
11	46 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                         0
18	6 Levels: with sword, punch and dodge.,tight group	
 7	Stealth 14-	
 3	Survival 11-	
 3	Tactics 13-	
 3	WF,Swords,Small Arms	
Powers Cost: 252


Base Points: 250
15	Accidental Chg,"To beast form if stunned.",common,occur 11-
 5	Distinctive,"Talking lion-bot.",easily concealable,minor
15	Hunted,"By anti-Maximal forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
 5	Physical Lim,"No hands in beast mode.",infrequently,slightly
15	Psych Lim,"Protective of friends.",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Overconfident",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing humans.",common,strong
 5	Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
10	Rivalry,"with other Maximal warriors.",professional,PC rival
10	Unluck,2D6
10	Vuln,"to high energon attacks in robot form.",uncommon,x2
10	Watched,"By Maximal leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
	 influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 130

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 380

Explanation of the conversion:

History: As a strategic genius, Snarl III is a critical component of the Maximal command. He considers Vehicons a substandard challenge to his abilities and desires a match of tactics and cunning against Megatron II where the victor wins the war over Cybertron.

On the reformatted techno-organic Cybertron Cheetor, Rattrap, Silverbolt III and Blackarachnia were interviewed by the Autobot reporter Rook. They then welcomed the Autobots Roulette, Shadowstriker, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and Trailbreaker back to Cybertron. Buzzsaw III, Quickstrike II and Rockbuster were also present. The returning Autobots along with Blackarachnia and Silverbolt III were then abducted via teleportation beams and taken to Unicron. Tap-Out, Megatron IV, Brawn, Grimlock and Snarl III were also abducted from various timelines. Silverbolt III, Blackarachnia, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were forcibly reformatted by Unicron. Taken captive by Razorclaw IV, Reptilion, Obsidian III, Tankor II and Striker, the Autobots were forced to fight one another. They witnessed Smokescreen III kill Smokescreen, whose spark was absorbed by Unicron. Sensing the need for a champion Primus and Alpha Trion brought Optimus Primal back to life (Transformers: Universe #1).

Snarl III aided Optimus Primal in his talks with the High Council (Transformers: Universe #3).

Rook, Snarl III, Skydive III, Longhorn and Che witnessed the start of an invasion of Cybertron by the Quintessons and their Sharkticon army (Transformers: Wreckers #4).

Trivia: Snarl III should not be confused with Snarl, a Dinobot who turns into a stegasaurus, Snarl II, a Maximal who turns into a tasmanian devil. The toy of Snarl III was recolored from the Beast Machines toy line for the Transformers: Universe toy line and became an Autobot instead of a Maximal.

Snarl III Powers: Snarl III is highly energy efficient, very intelligent, fast and nearly fearless. He is also pretty strong, tough and well skilled. He carries an energon sword. He can assume the form of a lion with a powerful bite. Snarl III has the uncanny ability to sense his opponent's weaknesses and exploit them to Maximal advantage. He has an ambush style of attack that rarely leaves his enemies the option of survival. In robot mode he heals from damage quickly.

Weaknesses: Snarl III can sometimes be over confident in his abilities. He cannot fly and lacks ranged weapons.

Links to other Snarl III pages:

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - November, 2005

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Made on Amiga