
Replica for Champions

Real name: Replica (It's the only name she has ever given.)
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Hero and adventurer, former spy.
Current group affiliation: Galatic Guardians
Past group affiliations: Guardians of the Galaxy
Major enemies: Rancor and the Nine, formerly the Spirit of Vengeance.
First appearance:
Origin: Unrevealed
Description: The true form of Replica is a teenage green reptilian humanoid girl. She has green eyes and green hair. As a shapeshifter Replica has complete control of her form.

 8/38     STR     -2
   14     DEX     12
   13     CON      6
 9/15     BODY     -2
   10     INT      0
   11     EGO      2  
   18     PRE      8
   20     COM      5
    6     PD       4
    6     ED       3
    4     SPD     16
    8     REC      6
   26     END      0
20/26     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 58

Powers, Skills and Equipment

30     EC (30),"Shapeshifter"     
17a)   6 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Extra Time(-1/2),     
        Concentrate(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1)                      0
24b)   Shape Shift,any shape,Concentrate(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1) 0
51c)   6 LVLS Shrinking(32mm,400mg,+12 DCV,+18 KB),Extra Time     
        (-1/2),Concentrate(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1)               0
 5     1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per 5 hours     
20     VPP (10),restricted type of powers,can change powers as 0     
        phase,no skill roll required     
 3     Acting 13-     
 7     Disguise 13-     
 3     Double Jointed     
10     Eidetic Memory     
 3     Persuasion 13-     
 3     Simulate Death     
 3     Stealth 12-     
 1     TF,Small Spaceships     
10     4/4 Armor,IIF(-1/4)     
 2     Radio XMIT/REC,"Guardians star.",OAF(-1)     
Powers Cost: 192


Base Points: 100
10     Distinctive,"Skrull.",easily concealable,major
15     Hunted,"Enemies of the Guardians.",more powerful,harsh,
        appear 8-
20     Normal Stats
10     Psych Lim,"Secretive",common,moderate
15     Psych Lim,"Devout Universalite.",common,strong
15     Psych Lim,"In love with Martinex.",common,strong
15     Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing.",common,strong
 5     Rep,"Skrull",occur 8-
 5     Rivalry,"with Spirit of Vengeance.",professional
10     Unluck,2D6
10     Watched,"by Mainframe",more powerful,non-combat influence,
        mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 130

Experience Spent: 20
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion:



Links to other Replica pages:

  • Character created by Marvel Comics.
    Page setup by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - March, 2002

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