
Huffer for Champions (125+145)

"Molecular structure is the key to success." - Huffer

Real name: Huffer
Other known aliases: Drag (name of release in Japan).
Occupation: Construction Engineer
Current group affiliation: Autobots
Rank: 6
Past group affiliations:
Major enemies: Decepticons
First appearance: Transformers: Generation One #5 (Dreamwave comics), Transformers #1 (Marvel comics), More Than Meets The Eye (television series).
Origin: Transformers #1 (Marvel comics), More Than Meets The Eye (television series).
Description: Huffer is a 16 foot tall blue and orange robot who turns into a semi-truck cab. Before being reformatted by the Ark he turned into a Cybertonian car.


44	STR	14
18	DEX	24
22	CON	24
14	BODY	 0
15	INT	 5
15	EGO	10
16	PRE	 6
10	COM	 0
12	PD	 7
11	ED	 7
 4	SPD	12
10	REC	 2
44	END	 0
38	STUN	 1
Characteristics Cost: 112

Powers and Skills

 3	1" Change Environment,Desc: Headlights,OIF(-1/2)            0
 4	Detect material properties, descriminatory.,OIF(-1/2),Extra	
10	EC (10),"Transformer powers"	
23a)	11/11 Armor	
20b)	4 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END	
	 Persistent(+1)                                             0
11c)	2 1/2D6 RKA,"Laser Gun",OAF(-1),7-8 Charges(-1/2),No	
	 Knockback(-1/4)                                            0
15d)	15" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                   2
 7e)	Shape Shift,"Truck",Concentrate(-1/4),Cannot change form if	
	 takes over half Body.(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1)           0
19	Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in	
	 heat/cold,immune to aging	
 3	Lightning Calculator	
 9	MP (15),"Movement",Only when in appropriate form.(-1/4),OIF	
 1u	5" Flight,"Jet Pack",x4 Non-Combat                          1
 1u	+3" Running,"Wheels",x4 Non-Combat,has turn mode,1/2 END	
	 (+1/4)                                                     0
 1u	+12" Swimming,"Hydrofoils",only on surface                  2
 3	Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)	
11	44 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                        0
 1	Combat Driving 8-	
 4	2 Levels: with pistol.
 3	Mechanics 11-	
 3	Navigation 11-	
 3	PS: Engineer 12-,(INT based)	
 2	SC: Geometry 11-	
 1	WF,Pistols	
Powers Cost: 158


Base Points: 125
15	Accidental Chg,"to robot form if stunned.",common,occur 11-
20	DNPC,"Humans in need of saving.",incompetent,appear 11-
10	Distinctive,"Giant Robot",easily concealable,major
15	Hunted,"By anti-Autobot forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
 5	Physical Lim,"No hands in vehicle mode.",infrequently,
15	Psych Lim,"Constaltly depressed.",very common,moderate
10	Psych Lim,"Dislikes combat.",common,moderate
15	Psych Lim,"Constaltly complains.",very common,moderate
15	Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing humans.",common,strong
 5	Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
10	Rivalry,"with other Autobot engineers.",professional,PC
10	Watched,"By Autobot leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
	 influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 145

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 270

Explanation of the conversion: I decided to give Huffer a small gun just so he had some sort of weapon. Although this write-up is meant to represent Huffer in his Generation One form, it also works for his Cybertonian form.

History (Dreamwave comics): When civil war broke out on the planet Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons, Huffer joined the Autobot cause.

When Autobot leader Sentinel Prime was killed by Decepticon leader Megatron, a new Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, was chosen. Optimus ordered the evacuation of Cybertron by the Autobots, and Huffer was among those who reluctantly prepared for the evacuation (Transformers: War Within #2).

Huffer When Decepticon Military Operations Commander Shockwave lead a force of Decepticons against the Autobot capitol of Iacon, Huffer was among the Autobots who defended the capitol (Transformers: War Within #3).

When Megatron and Optimus Prime disappeared in an accident with a space bridge, the Autobot and Decepticon forces splintered into smaller factions. Huffer stayed with the Autobots under the leadership of Prowl.

Huffer was among the Autobots who followed Optimus Prime on his mission on board the Ark and crash landed on Earth.

Huffer In 1984, when the Ark's computer re-activated, it rebuilt Huffer as in the form of an Earth truck.

Eventually the combined forces of the Autobots on Earth, and their human allies were able to capture the Decepticons. A ship called the Ark II was built to take the Cybertonians back to Cybertron, along with some human companions, but the ship exploded shortly after takeoff. The human allies were killed, but the Cybertonians were lost in the ocean, again in statis lock.

Huffer and others were recovered by a rogue military unit and reprogrammed as slave war machines. Megatron broke free and then freed his fellow Decepticons and Grimlock. Huffer and the other Autobots who were found by Lazarus were abused by Megatron's troops, but were eventually by freed by Optimus Prime.

Huffer returned to Cybertron with Optimus Prime and most of the Autobots to face charges after Ultra Magnus them the war had ended.

Bumblebee says Huffer looks at the world "through sludge-colored windshields." Huffer is dour. He says very little and when he does speak, it's usually to grumble. Huffer's pessimism extends even to his job specialty. He'll grumble that it can't be done and then build the most complex mechanized fortress imaginable. Sometimes it seems he can whip up a suspension bridge out of bobby pins and glue. Huffer isn't too sociable, but in any sort of difficulty he is absolutely reliable. Optimus Prime knows that Huffer secretly misses Cybertron and longs to return there.

Trivia: On the Transformers television show, the voice of Huffer is played by actor John Stephenson. The toy of Huffer is similar to that of Road Ranger.

Huffer Powers: Huffer is smart and highly skilled. He can transform into a semi-truck cab. A complex system of sensors in his arms allows Huffer to test various materials, some of which he uses in construction, for various properties such as tensile strength, heat resistance, elasticity, etc. Although lacking weapons, he is extremely strong and can lift 40,000 pounds. His mathematical and geometrical abilities exceed those of all the other Autobots and help him in his construction designs. He carries a laser pistol and can utilize a standard Autobot jet pack.

Weaknesses: Huffer has minimal firepower. He suffers from bouts of depression.

Links to other Huffer pages:

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - May, 2005

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    Made on Amiga