
Grimlock (Maximal) for Champions (200+140)

"Among the winners, there is no room for the weak." - Grimlock

Real name: Grimlock
Other known aliases:
Occupation: Attack Specialist, former Dinobot Commander and Lieutenant Commander.
Current group affiliation: Maximals
Rank: 5
Past group affiliations: Autobots, Dinobots, Lightning Strike Coalition, Dynobots, The Primitives, Decepticons, Minion of Lazarus.
Major enemies: Predacons, formerly Decepticons.
First appearance: Transformers: Generation One #2 (Dreamwave comics), Transformers #4 (Marvel comics), S.O.S. Dinobots (television series).
Origin: Transformers #4 (Marvel comics), S.O.S. Dinobots (television series).
Description: Grimlock is a 10 foot tall grey and gold robot who turns into a velociraptor.


36	STR	16
14	DEX	12
20	CON	20
12	BODY	 0
14	INT	 4
18	EGO	16
12	PRE	 2
 8	COM	-1
10	PD	 5
 9	ED	 5
 4	SPD	16
10	REC	 2
44	END	 2
37	STUN	 2
Characteristics Cost: 101

Powers and Skills

10	EC (10),"Transformer powers"	
11a)	7/7 Armor	
 7b)	2 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END	
	 Persistent(+1)                                              0
15c)	15" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                    2
 8d)	Shape Shift,"Dinosaur",Incantation(-1/4),0 END Persistent	
	 (+1)                                                        0
 1	Life Support, only needs half food intake.	
19	Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in	
	 heat/cold,immune to aging	
 6	5 OCV Missile Deflection,"Shield",deflect bullets,OAF(-1),	
	 Linked(-1/2),"to Shape Shift."	
60	MP (90),"Weapons",OIF(-1/2)	
 5u	4D6 HKA,"Claws/Bite.",vs physical defense,No Knockback	
	 (-1/4),[0 END(+1/2),OAF(-1/2)                               0
 6u	4D6 HKA,"Sword",vs physical defense,0 END(+1/2)              0
 3	Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)	
 4	1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per hour,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape	
 3	+0" Running,x4 Non-Combat,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape Shift."     0
 9	36 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                         0
 4	Fast Strike	
 3	Flying Tackle	
48	6 Levels,all combat	
 3	Martial Grab	
 3	Survival 11-	
 3	Tactics 12-	
 3	Tracking 12-	
 5	WF,Swords,Small Arms,Heavy Weapons	
Powers Cost: 239


Base Points: 200
15	Accidental Chg,"To beast form if stunned.",common,occur 11-
20	DNPC,"People in need of saving.",incompetent,appear 11-
 5	Distinctive,"Primitive speech.",easily concealable,minor
 5	Distinctive,"Talking dinosaur-bot.",easily concealable,minor
15	Hunted,"By anti-Maximal forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
15	Psych Lim,"Arrogant",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Gruff",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing humans.",uncommon,total
 5	Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
10	Rivalry,"with other Maximal warriors.",professional,PC rival
10	Vuln,"to high energon attacks in robot form.",uncommon,x2
10	Watched,"By Maximal leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
	 influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 140

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 340

Explanation of the conversion: This write-up is based on Grimlock's Beast Wars Tech Spec. As more becomes known about him in the Dreamwave comics, I'll add it.

Grimlock History: After the end of the Great War, the Dinobot Commander Grimlock was reformatted as a Maximal. He eventually traveled to pre-historic Earth and was reformatted again in the form of a dinosaur.

On Earth Grimlock ended up confronting the Predacon Magnaboss.

Trivia: On the Transformers television show, the voice of Grimlock is played by actor Gregg Berger. The toy for Grimlock is similar to the toy of Dinobot.

Grimlock Powers: Grimlock's new Maximal form is smaller and more energy efficient than his previous ones. His bravery and hand-to-hand combat skill is equally impressive. He is a highly skilled fighter, with a knowledge of Cybertonian pit fighting techniques. In robot mode he wields an energo-sword and special shield. He turns into a velociraptor with wicked teeth and claws who can run at over 75 mph. He repairs damage to his form quicker in beast mode and is better protected from high energon levels as well.

Weaknesses: Grimlock is highly arrogant. His new body isn't as strong or as dureable as his old one. Due to an old glitch in his vocal subprocessor, Grimlock speaks in an odd, primitive manner. This often causes his foes to underestimate, and he seems to have no intention of repairing it. Grimlock lacks ranged attacks. High energon fields can adversely effect Grimlock if he stays in robot form for too long. His animal form is protected from high energon levels.

Links to other Grimlock pages:

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - December, 2005

    - Back to Matt's Champions Page.-

    Made on Amiga