
Glyph for Champions (100+150)

"Erudition is the privilege of those who observe detail." - Glyph

Real name: Glyph
Other known aliases: None
Occupation: Archaeometrist
Current group affiliation: Autobots
Rank: 7
Past group affiliations: None
Major enemies: Decepticons
First appearance: Convention Comics 2001.
Description: Glyph is a 16 foot tall blue and grey robot who turns into a volkswagon beetle.


32	STR	 2
20	DEX	30
17	CON	14
14	BODY	 0
20	INT	10
13	EGO	 6
18	PRE	 8
10	COM	 0
 4	PD	 2
 5	ED	 2
 4	SPD	10
 9	REC	 8
34	END	 0
30	STUN	 1
Characteristics Cost: 93

Powers and Skills

 3	1" Change Environment,Desc: Headlights,OIF(-1/2)             0
10	EC (10),"Transformer powers"	
11a)	7/7 Armor	
20b)	4 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END	
	 Persistent(+1)                                              0
11c)	2 1/2D6 RKA,"Laser Gun",OAF(-1),7-8 Charges(-1/2),No	
	 Knockback(-1/4)                                             0
10d)	13" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                    1
 7e)	Shape Shift,"Car",Concentrate(-1/4),Cannot change form if	
	 takes over half Body.(-1/4),0 END Persistent(+1)            0
19	Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in	
	 heat/cold,immune to aging	
 9	MP (15),"Movement",Only when in appropriate form.(-1/4),OIF	
 1u	5" Flight,"Jet Pack",x4 Non-Combat                           1
 1u	+3" Running,"Wheels",x4 Non-Combat,has turn mode,1/2 END	
	 (+1/4)                                                      0
 3	Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)	
 8	32 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                         0
 3	Combat Driving 13-	
 3	Forensic Medicine 13-	
 4	2 Levels: with pistol.	
 3	Navigation 11-	
 3	SC: Archaeometricy 13-,(INT based)	
 3	Survival 11-	
24	13- Universal Translator	
 1	WF,Pistols	
Powers Cost: 157


Base Points: 100
15	Accidental Chg,"to robot form if stunned.",common,occur 11-
20	DNPC,"Humans in need of saving.",incompetent,appear 11-
10	Distinctive,"Giant Robot",easily concealable,major
15	Hunted,"By anti-Autobot forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
 5	Physical Lim,"No hands in vehicle mode.",infrequently,
15	Psych Lim,"Loves alien culture.",very common,moderate
15	Psych Lim,"Manic about details.",very common,moderate
15	Psych Lim,"Curious",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Code vs. killing humans.",common,strong
 5	Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
10	Rivalry,"with other Autobot communicators.",professional,PC
10	Watched,"By Autobot leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
	 influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: Glyph can only fly in robot mode, whereas her wheels only work in vehicle mode.

Glyph and Tap-Out History: Glyph was sent on a scientific research mission by Rodimus Prime. Worried about her safety security chief Kup assigned Tap-Out as her body guard.

One of the final survivors of a doomed Autobot exploration mission, Glyph has spent three hundred years stranded on a world that has become, for her, not unlike an immense science experiment.

Glyph and Tap-Out were discovered by the Wreckers commanded by Primal Prime.

Trivia: The toy of Glyph is very similar to that of Bumblebee and Bug Bite. The Glyph toy came as part of a keychain, and was only sold at the Botcon 2002 convention.

Glyph Powers: A natural researcher and forensic scientist, Glyph's advanced hermeneutic circuitry allows her to analyze and decipher even the most cryptic of patterns and language structures. Exceptionally bright and intellectual, Glyph maintains a nearly manic attentiveness to detail. Fascinated by the sheer complexity of alien cultures and their histories, Glyph's eye for even the most obscure of minutiae has become unmatched among her colleagues.

She carries a small laser pistol, which she can operate in either form. Glyph sometimes utilizes a standard Autobot jet pack.

Weaknesses: Glyph sometimes lets her scientific curiosity get the best of her. She is not very strong or tough in general. She has minimal firepower.

Links to other Glyph pages:

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - May, 2005

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