
Dinobot for Champions (100+150)

''I am warrior... let the battle be joined. '' - Dinobot

Real name: Dinobot
Other known aliases: Bronto Brain, Chopper Face, Dinoboob, Dinobrain, Dinobutt, Dinodip, Dinominer, Fender Head, Leather Lips, Lizard Lips, Scale Face.
Occupation: Front-Line Combat
Current group affiliation: Maximals
Rank: 6
Past group affiliations: Predacons
Major enemies: Predacons, formerly Maximals.
First appearance: Beast Wars Part 1 (television series), Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #8 (comic series).
Origin: Beast Wars Part 1.
Description: Dinobot is a 8 foot tall brown and blue robot who turns into a dinosaur. Presumable before he was reformatted he turned into something else.


31	STR	16
12	DEX	 6
20	CON	20
11	BODY	 0
10	INT	 0
17	EGO	14
13	PRE	 3
 8	COM	-1
10	PD	 5
 9	ED	 5
 4	SPD	18
 9	REC	 0
40	END	 0
33	STUN	-1
Characteristics Cost: 85

Powers and Skills

 3	Discriminatory,Smell,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape Shift."	
10	EC (10),"Transformer powers"	
11a)	7/7 Armor	
15b)	15" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                    2
 8c)	Shape Shift,"Dinosaur",Incantation(-1/4),0 END Persistent	
	 (+1)                                                        0
 7	1 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END	
	 Persistent(+1)                                              0
 1	Life Support, only needs half food intake.	
19	Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in	
	 heat/cold,immune to aging	
 4	4 OCV Missile Deflection,deflect arrows,OAF(-1),Linked	
	 (-1/2),"to Shape Shift."	
31	MP (55),"Weapons",Only in appropriate form.(-1/4),OIF(-1/2)	
 1u	25" Gliding	
 2u	2D6+1 HKA,"Claw/Bite",vs physical defense,No Knockback	
	 (-1/4),0 END(+1/2)                                          0
 2u	2D6+1 HKA,"Sword",vs physical defense,OAF(-1/2),0 END(+1/2)  0
 2u	3 1/2D6 RKA,"Eye beams.",Concentrate(-1/4)                   5
 3	Radio XMIT/REC,OIF(-1/2)	
 4	1 BODY Regen,recovery rate: per hour,Linked(-1/2),"to Shape	
 8	31 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                         0
18	6 Levels: with Weapons Multipower.,tight group	
 3	Stealth 11-	
 3	Survival 11-	
 3	Tactics 11-	
 3	Tracking 11-	
 4	WF,Common Melee,Small Arms	
Powers Cost: 165


Base Points: 100
15	Accidental Chg,"To beast form if stunned.",common,occur 11-
5	Distinctive,"Talking dinosaur-bot.",easily concealable,minor
15	Hunted,"By anti-Maximal forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
15	Psych Lim,"Competative",common,strong
15	Psych Lim,"Walking attitude with teeth.",very common,
15	Psych Lim,"Always looking to prove his abilities. ",common,
15	Psych Lim,"Code of honor.",common,strong
 5	Rep,"Heroic alien robot.",occur 8-
 5	Rep,"Traitor",occur 8-
10	Rivalry,"with other Maximal warriors.",professional,PC rival
15	Unluck,3D6
10	Vuln,"to high energon attacks in robot form.",uncommon,x2
10	Watched,"By Maximal leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
	 influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion:

History: The Predacon who would become known as Megatron II and his lieutenant Dinobot broke into the archives held by the super-computer Vector Sigma. After viewing the some records held there and stealing a Golden Disk the Predacon changed his name to Megatron II (Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #8).

Dinobot Megatron II stole the Predacon ship Darkside with transwarp technology alongside his followers Dinobot, Scorponok II, Terrorsaur, Waspinator and Tarantulas. Chased by Optimus Primal and his crew aboard the ship Axalon, the two fought in space and crashed. The Maximals and Predacons, having traveled back in time, crashed on prehistoric Earth, where high energon levels threatened to destroy the crew unless they adopted organic alternate modes. Dinobot was given a form based on fossil DNA from an Earth dinosaur. Dinobot challanged Megatron II's ability to lead the Predacons. A missile from Scorponok II left Dinobot without allies. He decided to find the Maximals and challanged Optimus Primal to a battle for leadership (Beast Wars Part 1).

''No, no, no! It's all wrong... this cannot be Earth! Megatron, you've failed. Not only did you fail to destroy the Maximals when you had the chance, you failed to bring us to the right planet! We stole the Golden Disk for nothing! You IDIOT!" - Dinobot, fed up with Megatron II's leadership.

''This guy's got bearings of chrome steel.'' - Rhinox, speaking about Dinobot's bid to become leader of the Maximals.

Optimus won the fight, but decided to keep Dinobot as a member of his team (Beast Wars Part 2).

Dinobot ''You slipped... to defeat you in such a manner would have been lacking in honor. I would not have earned the right to lead. I prefer to defeat my opponents the old-fashioned way... BRUTALLY!'' - Dinobot refuses to defeat Optimus Primal the easy way.

When it appeared that Optimus Primal was killed by an alien probe Dinobot attempted to sieze command of the Maximals, but Rattrap was appointed second in command by Primal when he contacted the Maximals from inside the probe (Chain of Command).

Although he found it difficult to fit in, Dinobot became a loyal Maximal.

The Maximals planned to use an explosive and a series of survey posts to blow up the Predacon base without destroying the Predacons in an attempt to gain a tactical advantage over them. Optimus Primal wanted to chart the area for energon deposits before trying anything, which couldn't be done until an energon storm passed. Dinobot disagreed, wanting to act quickly and convinced the eager Cheetor to set up the relays anyway. While setting up the relays, a chain reaction of lightning, energon, and the survey posts created a teleporter between the Maximal and Predacon comm rooms and placed Cheetor in the Predacon base. As Terrorsaur was teleported to the Maximal base, he and Dinobot made a brief alliance that ended when Dinobot cast him out the Maximal ship. Dinobot then told Optimus of the teleporter and how they could place the bomb into the Predacon base now, without mentioned that Cheetor was there. Primal placed the bomb reluctantly, but on the other end, Cheetor discovered that an underground vein of energon connected the two bases, and any explosion in one would destroy both bases. Cheetor managed to disarm the bomb and get back, destroying the teleporter in the process (Equal Measures).

The Axalon's cargo of Maximal protoforms in stasis pods had been launched into orbit before the crash, but eventually Tigatron's pod fell to Earth in the northern sector. Both the Maximals and Predacons observed the landing. Optimus Primal decided to fly alone in an attempt to get to it first, but Dinobot warned of an ambush. Primal insisted on going and was attacked by Waspinator and Terrorsaur who disabled Primal. Primal was placed in the cryo-regeneration chamber by Dinobot as Rhinox, Cheetor and Rattrap raced to get the pod. Realizing the Maximal base would be nearly unguarded, Megatron II sent his flyers to get the pod while the rest of the Predacons attacked the Maximal base. As the Predacon flyers were outpacing the Maximals to the pod, Megatron II arrived at the Axalon where he attempted to entice Dinobot into returning to the Predacons, but Dinobot refused. He used the automated defenses of the Axalon to ward off Megatron II, Scorponok II and Tarantulas. Using the moon to reflect a laser pulse communication, the Primal and Dinobot were able to send a signal to the pod to activate. The pod than scanned a nearby white tiger, and Tigatron emerged as a tiger himself greeted the animal. Megatron II raced to get to the pod himself as Primal emerged from the cryo-regeneration chamber and placed Dinobot in it. When the Predacon flyers arrived at the pod they didn't realize it was already empty and they worked to open it. The Maximal ground party and Megatron II arrived at the pod. Megatron II threatened to destroy two nearby tigers if they Maximals didn't back off. Opening the pod the Predacons found it empty and one of the tigers revealed himself as Tigatron. As the fight joined by Optimus Primal the Predacons were chased off. Tigatron was invited to return to the Maximal base, but he felt with his identity circuits damaged, he prefered to be with the tigers. He agreed to act as scout for them and the Maximals returned to base (Fallen Comrads).

Blackarachnia's pod fell to Earth. Optimus Primal and Dinobot attempted to retrieve the pod, but it was taken by Scorponok II, Terrorsaur and Waspinator. Captured by the Predacons, the protoform was infected with a Predacon shell program and given the alternate mode of a black widow spider by Tarantulas. Megatron II welcomed the new Predacon. Noticing that the Predacons were one step ahead of them, Optimus Primal convinced Rattrap to act like he betrayed the Maximals. Rattrap was sent to scout energon in a dangerous sector. The Predacons, having broken the Maximal transmission codes with a recovered Maximal communications chip, sent Terrorsaur to attack Rattrap. Rattrap let Terrorsaur defeat him so he could ask to switch to the Predacons. Terrorsaur returned to base and attempted to take over the Predacons by having Rattrap ambush Megatron II and disable his servoes. Although Scorponok II remained loyal to Megatron II, Blackarachnia and Tarantulas saw no loyalty to their old leader. Both Rattrap and Megatron II were placed in cells in the lowest levels of the Dark Side, but they each promptly escaped. Optimus Primal, Rhinox, Dinobot and Cheetor waited outside the Predacon base to attack. Rattrap discovered the chip being used overhear the Maximal transmissions, stole it, and after a run-in with Tarantulas, signaled Optimus Primal to being the attack. During the fight Megatron II allowed Terrorsaur to lead to prove what an incompetant leader he was. Rattrap joined the battle seemingly on the Predacon side but then shot Terrorsaur and left with the Maximals. Megatron II firmly took back the leadership of the Predacons. At the Maximal base Optimus explained how Rattrap's ruse allowed him to gain access to the Predacons ship and recover the Maximal chip (Double Jeopardy).

Megatron II had Scorponok II create a viral-mine in the form of one of his cyber-bees. The virus in it was intended to reduce the courage of it's victim, making him afraid of everything. The bee also kept the target from transforming and was set to kill it's victim and explode if removed. Scorponok II ambushed Optimus Primal and Dinobot while they were on a scientific mission and used it on Primal. Although Dinobot returned Primal to the base where Rhinox placed Primal in a cryo-regeneration chamber and diagnosed the damage. Rhinox discovered the virus was flawed and it made Primal hyper-aggressive instead of cowardly. Primal bashed his way out of the C.R. chamber, but was subdued and locked in a holding cell. Dinobot hoped to use Primal as a weapon, but Rattrap worried this would get him killed. Believing Primal had his rage under control, Cheetor freed him from the cell, but soon the rage took over and Primal blasted his way out of the base intent on destroying the Predacons. Cheetor attempted to negotiate for the cure with the Predacons, but failed. Upon arriving at the Dark Side, Primal penetrated the hull and defeated Tarantulas, then Waspinator. Rhinox, Rattrap, Cheetor and Dinobot attacked the Predacon base in an attempt to help distract the Predacons as Optimus attacked, while Terrorsaur and Blackarachnia mounted a defense. In Scorponok II's lab Primal found Megatron II holding the anti-virus, and offering to allow Primal to join the Predacons, but Primal refused. Ripping the bee off his chest, he threw it Megatron II, just as Cheetor made it in time to inject Primal with the anti-virus and save him from shutting down. The bee then exploded, damaging Megatron II, Scorponok II and the ship as the Maximals made their escape. Back to the Axalon, Primal healed from his wounds (Gorilla Warfare).

In order to better protect the Axalon from Predacon attack, Rhinox created Sentinel, a security computer. Due to damage taken to the computer when Dinobot and Rattrap were fighting, Sentinel went haywire and attacked the Maximals, chasing them from their ship, but eventually Rattrap was able to take Sentinel down. After that Sentinel worked properly (A Better Mousetrap).

Rhinox conducted tidal research on the planet and discovered that one of the moons seemed to have too low a mass, as if it was hollow. Tigatron made his weekly radio report to Rattrap at the Maximal base when he was attacked by Terrorsaur and Waspinator. During the battle the three stumbled across a flying island with a weapons system tower which nearly destroyed the Predacons. Optimus Primal checked out the scene of the fight, but found nothing. Terrorsaur and Waspinator limped back to base where they reported on the island to Megatron II. Airazor then reported to the Maximals that she saw the Predacons flyers return to base severely wounded. As Megatron II sent Scorponok II and Blackarachnia to find the island, Airazor followed them. Tigatron discovered the island had traps and that the weapons system fired at any use of energy weapons. Scorponok II found the island using one of his cyber-bees, although Tigatron captured it. Blackarachnia used her line gun to get them up to the island. Discovering they were being watched, Scorponok II shot Airazor from the sky. Tigatron found Airazor and reprogrammed the cyber-bee to return to the Maximal base with a message. Cheetor found the cyber-bee. In the message he warned the Maximals of the island and it's potential power to destroy them if it fell into Predacon hands (The Trigger Part 1).

As Blackarachnia and Scorponok II discovered the secrets of the island, Airazor and Tigatron worked to get to the weapons system first. Optimus Primal took Rattrap and flew to the island, but they were intercepted by Terrorsaur and Waspinator. During the battle Rattrap was able to capture Terrorsaur and ride him to the island. Tigatron and Airazor triggered a booby trap on the island, but narrowly escaped. The Predacons got to the weapons system first. Blackarachnia used Terrorsaur to distract the weapons system and blast her way in. She planned to use the weapons system to destroy the Maximals and rule the Predacons. As Scorponok II attempted to subdue her he fell victim to another booby trap. Blackarachnia took control of the island from it's command center and set course for the Maximal base. Optimus Primal ordered Cheetor, Rhinox and Dinobot to evacuate the base. Before she was able to bring the island within range, Tigatron fought his way into the weapons system and fired on it's power-core, causing the island to crash. After being destroyed, the weapons system tower sent a signal a similar tower on the moon, which sent another message into deep space. This turn of events worried the Maximals, as they wondered who built the island and how they would react to its destruction (The Trigger Part 2).

When the Earth was hit by a quantum wave it transfigured several Cybertonians into transmetal forms, but Dinobot was unaltered (Aftermath).

After the destruction of the artificial moon, both Waspinator and Dinobot realized that the planet they were on was ancient Earth, the original destination of the Darkside. They both attempted to steal the Golden Disks from Megatron, and Dinobot was successful, while Waspinator ended up getting nearly scrapped by the security systems. Dinobot wondered if the disk's record of the future was immutable or of the future could be changed. He hid the Maximal disk under a rock, and the alien disk in the Axalon (Coming of the Fuzors Part 1).

''To be... or not to be. That is the question. These disks I hold... are they a record of what will be, or only of what may? For if the future is indeed immutably foretold, then my demise is but moments away from that confirmation - for I could not live if not the master of my fate, but, if indeed the future can be changed - if these disks record only one path of all the myriad ways the cosmos might conform - then their power is infinate, and yet, still limited, for they could be used but once - and then in that change be rendered fiction forever more. I could destroy them, but, no... t'would be a coward's answer. I will know the truth instead. Then - it will be either them, or me, that face oblivion...'' - Dinobot

When it appeared that Megatron II was going to triumph, Dinobot briefly changed sides. He proved himself in combat with the Predacons by defeating Quickstrike. He gave Megatron II the golden disk, but was unable to kill Rattrap when he was presented with the opportunity. He rededicated himself to helping the Maximals win (Maximal, No More).

Dinobot uploaded a copy of his datatracks to the Axalon computer (Bad Spark).

Dinobot was killed protecting a group of pre-humans from Megatron II's attempt to erase the human race from ever existing to become allies of the Autobots. The early humans saw Dinobot make a simple weapon, and copied this action, learning to defend themselves with weapons (Code of Hero).

''Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good, and let me be judged accordingly. The rest... is silence.'' - Dinobot's last words.

Dinobot was later cloned by Megatron II several times.

As Silverbolt III and Cheetor continued to clash over their attraction to Blackarachnia, Rattrap discovered a copy of Dinobot's personal datatracks. Deciding to attempt to use them to bring Dinobot back to life in the body of his clone Dinobot II, Rattrap recruited Depth Charge to hunt down Dinobot II. Although successful in finding Dinobot II and uploading the datatracks, Dinobot II resisted being taken over by the new personality. Dinobot II would have killed Rattrap and Depth Charge if it wasn't for the timely help of Rhinox (Dark Glass).

After the Death of Rampage II, the spark in Dinobot II was made whole, and parts of the original Dinobot personality asserted itself. Dinobot II turned against Megatron II because he though his leader lacked honor. Dinobot II then died in the crash of the Decepticon flagship Nemesis (Nemesis Part 2).

Trivia: On the Beast Wars television show, the voice of Dinobot is played by actor Scott McNeil. The toy of Dinobot is similar to that of Beast Wars Grimlock and Transformers: Universe Grimlock.

Dinobot Powers: Dinobot is highly energy efficient, strong, fast and very brave. He carries a sword and spinning shield which can deflect attacks or be used to slow his fall. His eyes emit powerful green beams. Dinobot is a skilled tactician and a master at improvising weapons. He transforms into a velociraptor with vicious teeth and claws. In beast mode he has an enhanced sense of smell and can run at over 20 mph. He repairs damage quicker in beast mode and is better protected from high energon levels as well.

Weaknesses: Dinobot adheres to a strict code of honor and can be very confrontational with his comrads. While he is violent and prefers the way of conquest like most Predacons, he will only do so in a way he sees as honorably. Dinobot lacks ranged weapons in beast mode. He cannot fly, but in robot mode his spinning shield can be used to slow his fall. High energon fields can adversely effect Dinobot if he stays in robot form for too long. His animal form is protected from high energon levels.

Links to other Dinobot pages:
  • http://www.cobraislandtoys.com/tf/1996/dinobot.html
  • http://www.geocities.com/sslui_marauder/dinobot-bw.html
  • http://www.secondtruth.com/bwtf/char8.htm
  • http://www.seibertron.com/database/character.php?char_id=624

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - mathewignash@comcast.net.
    Last Updated - November, 2005

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