
Battletrap for Champions (275+105)

"We're only halves of a whole, but double the trouble." - Battletrap

Real name: Battletrap
Other known aliases: None.
Occupation: Assault Team
Current group affiliation: Decepticons/Duocons
Rank: 6
Past group affiliations: None
Major enemies: Autobots
First appearance: Transformers #75 (Marvel comics), Battletrap did not appear in the television series.
Description: Battletrap is a 20 foot tall silver and blue robot.


42    STR     7
16    DEX    18
23    CON    26
15    BODY    0
 6    INT    -4
12    EGO     4
17    PRE     7
10    COM     0
11    PD      8
13    ED      8
 4    SPD    14
 9    REC     2
46    END     0
37    STUN    1
Characteristics Cost: 91

Powers and Skills

12    EC (12),"Transformer powers"    
12a)  8/8 Armor    
25b)  5 LVLS Growth (stats already included),Always On(-1/2),0 END    
       Persistent(+1)                                              0
 7c)  Invisibility,Radar,Extra Time(-1/2),Concentrate(-1/4),1/2    
       END(+1/4)                                                   1
10    HR Radio (Light)    
19    Life Support,doesn't breathe,safe in vacuum/pressure,safe in    
       heat/cold,immune to aging    
30    150 Multiform,"Battle Helicopter",second form    
10    150 Multiform,"Trap Truck",Linked(-1/2),"to first    
37    MP (37),"Movement"    
 4u   10" Flight,x8 Non-Combat,1/2 END(+1/4)                       1
 3u   18" Running,1/2 END(+1/4)                                    2
61    MP (61),"Weapons"    
 2u   1 1/2D6 RKA (Light),"Lasers",No Knockback(-1/4)              2
 3u   2D6+1 RKA,"Assault Missile Launcher",vs physical defense,    
       OAF(-1),2 Charges(0),64 Clips,Explosion(+1/2),x5 Increased    
       Max Range(+1/4)                                             0
12    Radar Sense,Not when using invisibility.(-1/4)    
 5    Radio XMIT/REC    
10    42 STR,1/2 END(+1/4)                                         0
 3    Combat Driving 12-    
 3    Combat Piloting 12-    
18    6 Levels: with lasers, missiles and punch.,tight group    
 3    Navigation 11-    
Powers Cost: 289


Base Points: 275
15    Accidental Chg,"Breaks apart into components when stunned.",
       common,occur 11-
10    Distinctive,"Giant robot.",easily concealable,major
15    Hunted,"By anti-Decepticon forces.",as powerful,harsh,appear
10    Psych Lim,"Constantly cheerful.",common,moderate
10    Psych Lim,"Playful.",common,moderate
15    Psych Lim,"Violent",common,strong
10    Rep,"Evil alien robot.",occur 8-,extreme reputation
10    Rivalry,"with Flywheels.",professional,PC rival
10    Watched,"By Decepticon leaders.",more powerful,non-combat
       influence,mild,appear 11-
Disadvantages Total: 105

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 380

Explanation of the conversion: I decided that Battletrap should have a laser weapon. Battletrap can use his Multiform powers to become Battle and Trap.

History: Battletrap can best be described as playful - in the same sense that a cat is playful with a mouse that it's caught before the cat moves in for the kill. If his two components were humans they'd very likely be a wrestling tag-team. He likes to trap an adversary between his jeep and helicopter components and have "fun" with him - knock him back and forth a bit - before finally ripping him to pieces. He's cheerful and good-natured - no doubt because he enjoys his work so much.

Battletrap has good strength in robot mode, but sacrifices much of this for mobility when he divides into his two vehicle modes. Neither vehicle is especially rugged or weapons-fire-resistant. Battletrap isn't very smart in general.

Battle Powers: Battletrap can divide his robot into two separate and autonomous vehicle modes - jeep and helicopter. The two vehicles have identical personalities and can recombine into robot mode in 1.6 seconds. The helicopter has a maximum speed of 780 mph and a range of 1200 miles. It is packed with electronic detection, jamming and communication equipment.

Trap The jeep has a maximum speed of 90 mph and a range of 600 miles. In robot and jeep modes, Battletrap uses a double-barreled, wire-guided assault missile launcher with infra-red imaging for night-firing capabilities.

Links to other Battle pages:

  • Character created by Hasbro.
    Champions rules conversion by Mathew R. Ignash -
    Last Updated - May, 2004

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    Made on Amiga